Our vision focuses on positioning Alexandria BSBD as a solid benchmark in the Data Analytics Industry. At the same time, we expect to take correct steps in the formation of labor relations with clients in the foreign market, helping the development of expert scientific knowledge through:

  • Create a competitive advantage for our clients through unique custom solutions.
  • Develop capabilities.
  • Drive sustainable measurable impact.
  • Provide unprecedented personal growth opportunities for people.


In Alexandria BSBD we believe in customized solutions that leverage your resources as much as possible in order to provide a competitive advantage to our customers.

Our solutions focus in postioning our customers organizations as leaders through the intense use of adavanced-data analysis.


Alexandria BSBD has many values that help us satisfy the needs of our clients and create long relationships:

  • Honesty and integrity in all our actions.
  • Commitment to data security and confidentiality.
  • Respect, professional ethics, commitment, loyalty and quality. 

Our roots are off respect, professional ethics, commitment, loyalty and quality.

Our main workstreams in Alexandria BSBD are

Service Vocation





Talent Development



Who we are & what we do

We are a group of specialists in Data Mining and Business Intelligence, Engineers, Economists and Statisticians. 

More than 20 years of experience in different sectors such as banking, insurance, retail, oil & gas and others.

Our main objective is to help Upper Management to understand the different ways data can help drive better decision-making within their organizations. We provide both consulting and advisory services focused on Machine Learning (ML)